Aagmik Sr. Sec. School is the best school in Kullu and an ecosystem where intellect thrives and potential becomes performance.

Ultimate Personal care to each student is at core of our philosophy. Academic Environment charged with personal care, affectionate staff and sensitivity towards even the smallest of concerns of students definitely leads to excellent career.

At AAGMIK, Sports and Extra-curricular activities have been balanced in a way so that they help in creating a positively charged stress free environment to excel in academics. Ultimate aim of AAGMIK is to shape career of students as per their aspirations and matching talent.

Expert faculty team from across India, mostly IITians, NITians, Post Graduates and Doctors are highly dedicated and devoted individuals of highest caliber. Apart from NCERT for boards exams, our R&D team at Chandigarh has developed one of the finest study materials incorporating the latest trends of different Competitive Exams.

AAGMIK  provides a holistic approach to education, so that, there is no need for any sort of tuition or coaching. AAGMIK is a platform where the value education is in consonance with the formal education. We educate students, in such a way that it makes students ready for global careers as well as enabling them to conduct their lives in honest, ethical and truthful manner.